Magento 2 Product Mass Actions User Guide

  • admin admin |
  •    22 Sep, 2023  |
Magento 2 Product Mass Actions User Guide

Magento 2 Product Mass Actions extension allows store admins to perform a wide range of actions on multiple products at once. This can save a lot of time and effort, especially for stores with large products. It is a valuable tool for any store admin who needs to manage a large product catalog. This products is a great option who wants to improve productivity and efficiency.


  • Enable / disable extension with a single click
  • Easily update categories of products in bulk
  • Update Related products with this option easily
  • Update prices and inventory stocks of products in bulk.
  • 24/7 Support
  • 30 Days Free Support
  • Our Extensions are Easy Installation & Configuration
  • Our Codes are reusability
  • Our Extensions are Safe & Secure

Installation Steps

Buyers will get a Zip file, they have to unzip / extract the file to their system. The uncompressed folder will have a folder called Scriptzol and you need to transfer the Scriptzol folder to your Magento 2 root directory /app/code/.

Extension Upload ftp

After the successful transfer, buyers have to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory with the help of terminal.

  • php bin/magento setup: upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup: di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup: static-content:deploy

After the commands running successfully, need to flush the cache in admin panel.

flush cache

cache Flush

Installation steps done.

Configuration Steps

Multiple Languages

To configure in multiple languages, Under Store > Configuration > General > Locale in admin panel , select the language which needed.

Translation of Languages

For translation of the content in the module, In the app/code/Scriptzol/ProductMassActions/i18n folder, need to add the file. To add a file for specific language, for eg.arabic for Saudi Arabia, ar_SA.csv is the file name format.

Magento 2 Product Mass Actions Language File

The file content should be like the below screenshot.

Magento 2 Product Mass Actions Language File Edit

Left side of the column is the original content, right side contains translations.

The file content should be like the below screenshot.

Magento 2 Product Mass Actions Language File Edit Columns

Single Click Enable / Disable

Admin can enable / disable the extension in a single click.

Product Mass Actions General Config

Mass Action Options

Once enabled, admin can see the options such as update related, cross-sell products, upsell products under products list page.

Product Mass Actions Options

Mass Delete Image Options

There is no default option of deleting images from folder in Magento. With this extension, space will also be saved by deleting images from folder.

Product Mass Actions Delete Images

Bulk Update Category

If one wants to update the bulk products to new category, the option update category is more useful.

Product Mass Actions Update Category

Bulk Update Price

With this extension, cost, price and special price can be easily updated in bulk.

Product Mass Actions Update Price

We hope this guide helped for configuration successfully. Please feel free to contact us .

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Buy Now: Magento 2 Product Mass Actions

Contact Us: Contact Support Team

License: License Agreement


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