Magento 2 Instagram Feed Widget User Guide

  • admin admin |
  •    05 Oct, 2023  |
Magento 2 Instagram Feed Widget User Guide

Magento 2 Instagram Feed Widget is a easy powerful module that allows you to integrate your instagram account with your Magento 2 store. This allows you to display your latest Instagram posts on your store's website. This leads to increase brand awareness and engagement, drive traffic to your store, promote your products and services and increase sales.


  • Enable / Disable in single click
  • Can be added as widget anywhere on the website
  • Custom title can be added
  • Image carousel responsive slider
  • 24/7 Support
  • 30 Days Free Support
  • Our Extensions are Easy Installation & Configuration
  • Our Codes are reusability
  • Our Extensions are Safe & Secure

Installation Steps

Buyers will get a Zip file, they have to unzip / extract the file to their system. The uncompressed folder will have a folder called Scriptzol and you need to transfer the Scriptzol folder to your Magento 2 root directory /app/code/.

Extension Upload ftp

After the successful transfer, buyers have to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory with the help of terminal.

  • php bin/magento setup: upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup: di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup: static-content:deploy

After the commands running successfully, need to flush the cache in admin panel.

flush cache

cache Flush

Installation steps done.

General Config

With this configuration, admin can enable / disable the extension with single click.

Instagram Feed Widget General Config

Add as Widget

Admin can add as widget and set title, storeviews options for the widget here.

Instagram Feed Widget Add General

Display Widget Option

Under page layout option admin can show this widget on any pages and available positions on the page.

Instagram Feed Widget Add Content

Custom Title

Admin can set the title which they want to show on frontend.

Instagram Feed Widget Add Page


As per the configuration and settings, instagram feed widget will be shown on frontend.

Instagram Feed Widget Output

We hope this guide helped for configuration successfully. Please feel free to contact us.

Email: /

Buy Now: Magento 2 Instagram Feed Widget

Contact Us: Contact Support Team

License: License Agreement


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